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MO Guilded

What is MO Guilded? 

MO Guilded is a fully confiigurable auto moderation and fun bot combining all your favourite moderation features and fun interactive commands in one place. MO's fully configurable suite goes as far as changing pictures and all the auto moderation features to even configure the message it sends in the chats. 

Bot Status: The bot is Online


Helpful commands:

MO is currently still in developement, excuse the lack of commands and customisation. In order for staff to use moderation commands, the owner is required to add staff to the whitelist of staff members.


Help - This command provides help with commands.

Usage: !help <command>

Ping - Basic command used in developement, helps devs know the bot is working but is also a fun command.

Usage: !ping


Action - Fun interactive actions set up by the server staff.

Usage: !action <action>

Types of actions: happy/sad/wow/angry/crying/headpat/punch/pout


Ban - (Staff only) Enabled the user to ban other members. 

Usage: !ban <member>

Kick - (Staff only) Enabled the user to kick other members. 

Usage: !kick <member>

Mute - (Staff only) Enabled the user to muteother members. 

Usage: !mute <member>

Unmute - (Staff only) Enabled the user to unmute other members. 

Usage: !unmute <member>


Action Settings - Add/Remove/Enable/Disable actions.

Usage: !actionsetting <action> <add/remove/enable/disable>

Mute Role - Sets the mute role.

Usage: !muterole <roleId>

Set Prefix - Changes the bot's prefix.

Usage: !setprefix <prefix>

Staff Members - Add/Remove Staff members to the bot for staff specific commands.

Usage: !staffmember <add/remove> <userId>

VIP - Adds/Removes users from the VIP list, bot will ignore VIP's.

Usage: !vip <add/remove> <userId>

automod - set the percentage on automod caps removal and enable/disable the antispam

Usage: !automod set <percentage/antispam/enable/disable>
When setting a percentage please specify a number between 0 and 1. e.g. 0.5


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